Stop procrastinating and feeling disappointed with yourself and your life.

Stop feeling stressed out and overwhelmed all of the time.

  • Get Real, Life Changes
  • Achieve better habits
  • Mindset reset

Kristen in her work with Progression for life has inspired me and many others with her passion and positivity. She is an excellent guide!!

- Liz Pitts

FREEDOM from feeling stress, anxiety overwhelmed


Get clarity on your why and live INTENTIONALLY


Develop the confidence and belief that you truly can do and become ANYTHING you want

Hi, I’m Kristen

Kristen Johnson is an accomplished MBA graduate with a specialization in Entrepreneurship and a solid foundation in Project Management from her bachelor’s degree and accredited certificate of PMP from PMI. As a certified coach, she possesses a deep understanding of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) techniques, which she adeptly applies to guide her clients towards success.

Kristen’s passion for public speaking shines through as she empowers individuals to navigate through anxiety, stress, and the various roadblocks that hinder their career and personal growth. Her certification as a Success Coach is a testament to her commitment to helping others achieve their goals.

With a strategic mindset, Kristen excels in teaching her clients how to enhance productivity and engagement in their professional endeavors. She believes in nurturing one’s authentic self, which is pivotal in her coaching philosophy. Her approach is not just about overcoming challenges but also about embracing personal growth and self-discovery.

Kristen’s dynamic blend of academic knowledge, practical coaching skills, and her zeal for public speaking makes her an invaluable asset to those seeking to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Her work is dedicated to unlocking the potential within each individual, fostering resilience, and paving the way for lasting empowerment and success.

Hi, I'm Tish

Tish Clemans is a dedicated Career Coach with a robust portfolio of certifications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) techniques. Her expertise is further solidified by her ACRES certification from Utah State University, which underscores her commitment to excellence in career coaching.

Tish’s approach is deeply rooted in empowering her clients to uncover and enhance their latent talents, thereby increasing their chances of securing meaningful employment. She is passionate about providing actionable steps that lead to tangible improvements in her clients’ job-seeking journey.

Her work is characterized by a hands-on, personalized strategy that not only aims to boost employment opportunities but also instills a sense of confidence and self-efficacy in her clients. Tish Clemans stands out as a beacon of guidance for those navigating the complexities of the job market, helping them to discover and leverage their unique strengths in pursuit of their career aspirations.